Some time ago my little Cherub asked me ‘If Easter is supposed to be about Jesus, why is there an Easter Bunny? ...and what’s up with the candy and chocolate?’
Once a forbidden food during Lenten, eggs were decorated and saved until Easter Sunday, when they could be eaten.
The colors we use to decorate/dye also have meaning.
The tradition of making nests for the rabbit to lay its eggs soon followed. Eventually, nests became decorated baskets and colorful eggs were swapped for candy, treats and other small gifts.
It is believed that Hot Cross Buns originated with the Pagan celebration of Ostara (the arrival of Spring). The white cross, traditionally used to decorate, is said to represent Christ's crucifixion.
FYI - More Information can be found at these two links ~
Traditions are fun, and they bring us together... but how did we go from Christ has Risen to a rabbit?
What’s up with coloring and hiding eggs, eating ham, serving hot cross buns? I couldn’t answer her, so I did a little fun Cottontail Tale research.
How bunnies came into the Easter ‘picture’ is this......
Back in the 13th century, in pre-Christian Germany, people worshiped several gods and goddesses.
The Teutonic deity Eostra was the goddess of spring and fertility. Feasts were held in her honor on the Vernal (of, in, or appropriate to spring) Equinox. Her symbol was the rabbit because of the animal’s high reproduction rate. (Rabbits are an ancient symbol of fertility and new life.) Spring symbolizes new life and rebirth.
It is believed the Easter Bunny arrived in America with German immigrants, who referred to him as "Osterhase." Osterhase was an egg laying hare who visited children and left brightly colored eggs in nests the children built for him. Much like our lovely Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny continues to come every Easter Holiday, delivering candy and toys.
Easter Eggs
Eggs are also an ancient symbol of fertility and are used to welcome the arrival of Spring.
Eggs are also an ancient symbol of fertility and are used to welcome the arrival of Spring.
(This again links back to ancient Pagan celebrations)
From a Christian point of view, eggs are said to represent Christ's emergence from the cave.
The colors we use to decorate/dye also have meaning.
Green is said to represent Spring and the rebirth of the Earth.
Red is a symbol of Christ's blood.
White represents purity and birth.
Yellow is for light and purity.
Orange is for endurance and strength.
Brown stands for Mother Earth and her many gifts.
Blue is for the blue skies of air.
Purple represents fasting.
All of these colors together represents the burst of color brought forth when plants begin to bloom and trees begin to leaf. Mother Earth springing into a new season....
Easter bunny legends were documented as far back as the 1500's.
By 1680, the first story about a rabbit laying eggs and hiding them in a garden was published.
These legends were brought to the United States in the 1700s when German immigrants settled in
Pennsylvania Dutch country. (According to the University of Florida's Center for Children.)
The arrival of Spring meant fresh food in abundance for the Pagans. They would fast to cleanse their bodies of the heavy foods eaten during winter in preparation for Spring celebrations.
It was said that the devil was allowed to take the form of any animal except for the lamb because of its religious symbolism. Meeting a lamb foretold of luck. In many Christian sects, the lamb is used to represent Jesus.
Before the invention of refrigeration, meat would have to be cured for winter storage and consumption. The Easter feast was the perfect time to use up the last of the stored meat.
Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns
Many superstitions follow the buns:
Some say a bun baked on Good Friday will not mold for the remainder of the year. Sharing a bun with another is said to ensure friendship through the coming year. Buns are purported to protect against shipwrecks ...and if hung in the kitchen, perfectly baked buns are to protect against fire.
FYI - More Information can be found at these two links ~
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